The Silver-Meal Heuristic Method for Deterministic Time-Varying Demand


  • Mohd Omar
  • Mustafa Mat Deris



Polisi heuristik untuk masalah berketentuan berubah dengan masa dan penerimaan sekaligus telah banyak dibincangkan dan diselidiki dalam literature. Kertas ini memperihalkan kaedah heuristik untuk masalah berketentutuan di mana permintaannya menoton naik dan menoton menurun dengan penerimaan tidak sekaligus. Masa dan saiz penambahan inventori akan ditentukan supaya jumlah kosnya minimum. Kita menggunakan kaedah Silver--Meal dan didapati penalti kosnya amatlah rendah. Katakunci: Pengeluaran; Kaedah Silver--Meal; Permintaan berubah dengan masa; sekaligus dan berkadaran. Heuristic policies for time-varying deterministic processes with infinite input rate have been thoroughly explored in the literature. This paper addresses heuristic decision rules for the situation of a deterministic linearly increasing and decreasing demand patterns with a finite input rate. We determine the timing and sizing of replenishment so as to keep the total relevant cost as low as possible. We extended the Silver-Meal heuristic method and found the penalty cost is very low. Keywords: Production; Silver-Meal Method; Time-Varying Demand; Finite and Infinite Input Rate.




How to Cite

Omar, M., & Mat Deris, M. (2001). The Silver-Meal Heuristic Method for Deterministic Time-Varying Demand. MATEMATIKA, 17, 7–14.



Analysis and Algebra