A New Class of Rational Multistep Methods for the Numerical Solution of First Order Initial Value Problems
In this paper, we have developed a new class of 2-step rational multistep methods (RMMs) in second to fifth order of accuracy. We have presented the developments of these RMMs, as well as the local truncation error and stability analysis for each RMM that we have developed. Numerical experiments have shown that all RMMs presented in this paper are suitable to solve initial value problem of various dimensions and also stiff problems. Keywords: Rational functions; rational multistep methods; initial value problems; problems whose solutions posses singularities; stiff problems. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification 65L06, 41A20.Downloads
How to Cite
Teh, Y. Y., Yaacob, N., & Alias, N. (2011). A New Class of Rational Multistep Methods for the Numerical Solution of First Order Initial Value Problems. MATEMATIKA, 27, 59–78. https://doi.org/10.11113/matematika.v27.n.297
Analysis and Algebra