Exhaustion Numbers of Maximal Sum-free Sets of Certain Cyclic Groups


  • A. Y. M. Chin




Let G be a finite group written additively and S a non-empty subset of G. We say that S is e-exhaustive if G=S+...+S (e times). The minimal integer e >0, if it exists, such that S is e-exhaustive, is called the exhaustion number of the set S and is denoted by e(S). The exhaustion numbers of various subsets of finite abelian groups have been determined by the author [1]. In this paper the exhaustion numbers of maximal sum-free sets of the cyclic groups of prime power order are determined. Keywords: Exhaustion number; sum-free set; cyclic group Biar G suatu kumpulan terhingga yang ditulis secara penambahan dan S suatu subset tak kosong bagi G. Kita katakan bahawa S adalah habisan-e jika G=S+...+S (e kali). Integer minimal e>0, jika ianya wujud, supaya S adalah habisan-e dipanggil nombor habisan bagi set S dan ditandai sebagai e(S). Nombor-nombor habisan bagi beberapa subset kumpulan-kumpulan abelan terhingga telah ditentukan oleh penulis [1]. Dalam kertas ini, nombor habisan bagi set-set bebas hasil tambah yang maksimal bagi kumpulan-kumpulan kitaran yang berperingkat kuasa nombor perdana akan ditentukan. Katakunci: Nombor habisan; set bebas-hasil tambah; kumpulan kitaran




How to Cite

Chin, A. Y. M. (1999). Exhaustion Numbers of Maximal Sum-free Sets of Certain Cyclic Groups. MATEMATIKA, 15, 57–63. https://doi.org/10.11113/matematika.v15.n.381



Analysis and Algebra