Designing Optimal Set of Experiments by Using Bayesian Method in Methyl Iodide Adsorption
This paper deals with the design and analysis of the best sets of experiments by using Bayesian Method in the presence of prior knowledge. However, the model presented is not completely general since it is restricted to solve this particular problem, that is to find the best conditions to adsorp Methyl Iodide released after a nuclear reaction. Keywords: Bayesian Method; Experimental Design; Bayesian Experimental Design Kertas ini membincangkan penggunaan Kaedah Bayes di dalam mere- kabentuk dan menganalisis set ujikaji terbaik jika terdapat pengetahuan awalan. Walaubagaimanapun, model yang diberikan hanyalah untuk menyelesaikan ma- salah ini bukannya model secara umum, iaitu untuk mendapatkan syarat yang terbaik untuk penyerapan Methyl Iodide yang terbebas hasil daripada tindakbalas nuklear. Katakunci: Kaedah Bayes; Rekabentuk Ujikaji; Rekabentuk Ujikaji Bayes.Downloads
How to Cite
Zainuddin, Z. M. (1999). Designing Optimal Set of Experiments by Using Bayesian Method in Methyl Iodide Adsorption. MATEMATIKA, 15, 111–117.
Analysis and Algebra