Alternative Method for Parametric Estimation of Generalised Extreme Value Distribution
Topping extreme teritlak been used so broadly to describe the annual floods, rain, speed of wind, wave height, depth salji and other extreme events. In this paper a polynomial regression model estimates the parameters introduced in the form of sprinkles sprinkles teritlak extreme value (GEV) for use in flood frequency analysis. Three polynomial regression model estimates the parameters introduced in this. Monte Carlo simulation is used to explain keupayaan polynomial regression models compared to polynomial models that are reserved by Hosking et al. [5]. The results of the study indicate rank polynomial regression models are generally better 5 versus other models, and these models make the best choice for topping estimates the parameters of GEV. Keywords: polynomial regression; L-moments; GEV; repeat the entire period.Downloads
How to Cite
Shabri, A., & Jemain, A. A. (2007). Alternative Method for Parametric Estimation of Generalised Extreme Value Distribution. MATEMATIKA, 23, 157–166.
Analysis and Algebra