Effects of Non-Newtonian Parameter on Unsteady MHD Oscillatory Slip Flow of Viscoelastic Fluid in a Planer Channel


  • Utpal Jyoti Das




An analysis has been carried out to obtain the effect of the non-Newtonian parameter on the problem of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) mixed convective oscillat- ory flow of an electrically conducting optically thin viscoelastic fluid through a planer channel filled with saturated porous medium in the presence of a first-order chemical reaction. The effect of buoyancy, heat source, thermal radiation, and chemical reaction are taken into account embedded with slip boundary condition, varying temperature and concentration. The closed form analytical solutions are constructed for the prob- lem. The effects of the magnetic field, porous parameter, solutal and thermal Grashof numbers on velocity profile for different values of the non-Newtonian parameter are illustrated with the help of figures. A table containing the numerical data for skin friction is also provided. Keywords : viscoelastic fluid; chemical reaction; MHD; oscillatory flow. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification 76A10; 76W05.




How to Cite

Das, U. J. (2014). Effects of Non-Newtonian Parameter on Unsteady MHD Oscillatory Slip Flow of Viscoelastic Fluid in a Planer Channel. MATEMATIKA, 30, 37–46. https://doi.org/10.11113/matematika.v30.n.661



Analysis and Algebra